Sunday, September 7, 2008

Opening Ceremonies

Last night we experienced the Birds Nest and Opening Ceremonies, which was all pretty awesome! We were whisked from the hotel to the show by police on mostly closed roads lined with military vehicles and neatly dressed soldiers. Upon arrival, I was escorted to a private VIP area on the 3rd level that had free food and beverages, and a great balcony on the 50 yard line overlooking the "nest". I arrived with Brad Mikkelsen, President of the IWRF, who had the VIP ticket, while I had a 1st level ticket. Somehow I ended up in the VIP area and Brad spent the evening in an area that wasn't nearly as nice or accessible. I got fed, had an amazing vantage point and received gifts, while Brad, the Prez spent the night being told he couldn't go anywhere else... very strange?? Got back about midnight and slept in till noon today... I think I'm feeling acclimated finally...
It's overcast and drizzly here today, probably in the low 80's (feels like Florida). Brad, his girlfriend Kay and I are about to head for a ride on the Subway to explore. It will be an adventure and learning experience for us all... Below are a few pictures from last night that highlight how crappy of a photographer I am. At some point I'll figure out a better way to put pictures up, but for now this will work. I can tell already that blogging takes a lot of time and thought.... hope I can find a rhythm.

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